Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Life With Quads- Never a Dull Moment!

This is a compensated review by BlogHer and Intel.

My name is Suz Steece.

I am a registered nurse who works 3-4 days a week.


I have 3 year old quadruplets who attend school twice a week. IMG_0527

My darling diva of a daughter is in dance and tumbling twice a week.IMG_0521

Life. Is. Busy.

Here is a sneak peek of my schedule from 7a to 7:30p:

  • shower
  • bathe quads, dry hair, lotion
  • make breakfast, feed kids, prepare lunches & backpacks
  • dress kids, squeeze on 4 pair of shoes
  • finish getting myself ready, dry hair, makeup
  • load up and drop kids off at school
  • head to work at surgery center for 5 hours
  • pick kids up from school
  • get home, give snacks, get Savannah ready for dance
  • load up all the kids and head to dance
  • entertain boys while we wait for Sav for an hour
  • class ends, head home
  • eat dinner
  • play with Dad, brush teeth
  • story time, prayers, bedtime

PHEWWWWWWWW! Tired yet?!


And we will only get busier- with more activities to cram into our daily schedules as the years go by!

There are 2 very important things that get me through each day (and enable me to maintain my sanity):

(1) time management & (2) multi-tasking

I thank the good Lord for making me an extremely organized person (I have always LOVED a good spreadsheet…it’s a wee bit sickening, I know). Especially with quadruplets- you HAVE to be organized and efficient.

Spending as much time as I can with my beautiful children means the absolute world to me…


…that is why I am always looking for ways to DO MORE FASTER! For example: less time spent on the computer = more time with my little buddies.

---Enter, the Intel® Core™ i5 processor---

intel core

I am *SuPeR ExCiTeD* to have been provided a brand, spankin’ new computer (courtesy of BlogHer) that is powered by the Intel® Core™ i5 processor; with Turbo Boost Technology and an Intel® Wireless Display (aka WiDi adaptor) which allows me to use my HDTV as a monitor!

For a chance to win a $250 Best Buy gift card- just leave me a comment and tell me:

What would YOU do with more free time?

Contest dates: 11/17 – 12/22


No duplicate comments. You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:

a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post

b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post

c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post

d) Follow this link and provide your email address and your response to the sweepstakes prompt

e) Sweepstakes ends at 5 PM PST on December 22, 2010, This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older.

Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected. The Official Rules are available here.

Be sure to check out the exclusive offers round-up page for 19 more chances to win $250 and 4 chances, one every week, to win a brand spankin’ new laptop!!!!

Come back next week to see how the new computer has enabled me to get more done in less time and how you’ll have even more chances to win a $250 Best Buy gift card!

suz signature


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Sarah said...

with more free time I would probably be able to get something done for myself once in awhile :)

Christina.S. said...

If I had more time I would make it to the Y to work out to get back in shape now that baby #3 is 3 months old :)

Kat said...

Save the world! I'm just kidding. Well I'm not but there's no way I could do that with just alittle free time. I'd need super hero powers or something. Moving on. I think I would cook more deliciuos meals or work out with my extra free time.

angela said...

sew! i never seem to have enough time.

Linda Stewart said...

If I had more free time I would spend it finding new adventures to share with the precious little boys in my life ... my grandsons! After all ... my free time is about them anyway :)

Anonymous said...

I would SLEEP more! And maybe cook more too...

Laura Darling said...

I would definitely sleep more. And read! I miss reading!

Anonymous said...

Do more fun things with the kids instead of the routine things that we seem to get caught up in everyday...and then sleep!

ebeandebe at gmail dot com

Billy's Mommy said...

I would go to the gym!

Nichole said...

With my free time I would sit, watch tv, and eventually fall asleep! :o)

What would actually happen...I would probably get the house clean without someone begin me undoing everything that I do! LOL

N_Tarpley2004 at yahoo dot com

Janna said...

I would sleep if I had more free time.

AmazingGreis said...

With more free time I'd take naps!! I never seem to be caught up on my sleep and I miss it!

chesley said...

i would balance my checkbook or watch TV! I haven't done either in quite some time!

~K~ said...

With more free time I would learn to cook different things and start working out regularly! Thanks for the giveaway!

Kelly T said...

If I had a sitter for my 3 kids ages 3, 20 mths and 2 mths, I'd use my free time to either: go for a run, have some girl time, or help out a friend or family who could use an extra hand (since I so often could use one!).

bktyson at gmail

Kristen said...

If I had more time I would actually be able to get some cleaning done around the house!

Meghann said...

I would edit and print out more pictures of my sweet kid!

Anonymous said...

More free time, oh man, the list goes on and on, but I think most importantly, I would spend more time "playing" with my kids. I mean, I'm with them all the time, but I'm always busy being "Mom". It would be nice to have some downtime with them!

Mami2jcn said...

If I had more free time, I would sleep more.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...


Misty & Cecil Ray Cossey said...

With more free time I would take a bath in the quiet with a good book and some candles lit...ahhhh. Ok back to readlity as a Mom of Multiples!!

Emily said...

I would take a nap.

Shannon said...

I would like to spend more time with my boys....and also get a pedicure. =)

Michelle said...

I would probably sleep!

Cheryl Wade said...

I would redo my son's bedroom. I want to make it look "finished". He is 19 and deserves the room of an adult.

The Dotzler's said...

I would get caught up on personal tasks that always seem to get put on the back burner!

SB said...

With more free time I could get more remodeling done around my house...ripping up carpet takes way too long!

Jill said...

If i have more free time i would sleep more and volunteer my time.

Ashley said...

more play time with the whole family...or a little pampering time for myself!

Corrinne said...

With more free time, I would head to the gym to lose some baby weight.

Anonymous said...

If I had more free time with taking care of my two under two children I would try to actually read a book or spend some more much needed time with my husband.

Kimber said...

With more free time, I would 1)sleep more and 2)work out more! Those two things always end up at the bottom of my "to-do" list!

Anonymous said...

Probably bake....I love it, but sometimes feel there just isnt enough time in a day to take on the task.

Kari said...

I would use it to take my quads to the park and play. It seems like we never get enough time to do it as often as I would like!

Teresa said...

I would devote more time to cooking healthy meals! Sometimes quicker is just easier but not always healthy :(

Tracy Bentley said...

do more crafting and finish working on my family geneaology.

Mandi said...

I would sleep! haha =P And read more books!

Sara said...

After I caught up on sleep (HA!) I would get back into scrapbooking and sewing.

Kelli said...

With more free time, I would coach a youth team - probably basketball or t-ball.

Erika said...

I would take more pictures of my kids:)

Our little family said...

If I had more time, I would actually sew!

Miranda said...

If I had more free time I would work out for sure!

Laura said...

With more time, I could change the world! I guess we moms are doing that moment by moment anyway though! :) I would definitely take time to spend with friends, work on schoolwork, and have more individual mommy/daughter dates with my twins. :)

Heather McCurley said...

Spend more time with my children!

Meghanne said...

More free time = more family time. Nothing better than more time hanging with my son and my hubby :)

Awise said...

If I had more free time I would be able to plan & buy more for my new little jelly bean =)

Ashley said...

I would sleep!! Maybe that's just because my 2 yr old has been waking up around 5am since the time change. I only have one kid- I don't know how you do it with 4!! You are supermom!!

Sarah P said...

More free time?... I'd probably be more creative. New recipes, sewing, planning date nights with the hubby, getting it together to plan more fun things for my son...

saw99a at yahoo dot com

Sherene Boodram said...

If i had more free time then I would actually use my gym membership =(

meeyeehere said...

With more time?? Oh,I would like to go on a trip to somewhere beautiful with my hubby and son.It would be so lovely.You do have a busy life,you need a vacation.

Anonymous said...

I like to think of free time just to be able to breath! Never a dull moment for me! - Tonia G

Linh C. said...

If I had more free time, I'd travel.

Tara said...

With more free time, I'd like to say I would scrapbook more, or read my Bible/Pray more, or spend more quality time with the husband but the truth is I'd probably sleep more!


Unknown said...

I'd do a lot more baking and a lot more crafty stuff! :)

Heather said...

I'd do more crafty stuff!

Melinda said...

I would scrapbook more. As it is, I usually just manage one day a month....I don't think I'll ever get caught up at this rate!

Anonymous said...

Definitely busy! You have a beautiful family though Suz :) So you're busy but blessed ;) With more time, I'd put in a little "me" time more often, and maybe get a massage or a manicure! :)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Tweet tweet:

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Cathryn's Closet said...

If I had more free time I would cuddle with my Hubby more.

Adam and Julia said...

if i had more free time, i could rest and focus on growing the twins. wishful thinking.

atlantagalknows said...

If I had more free time, I would like to read more. I miss cuddling up with a good book!

atlantagalknows at gmail dot com

atlantagalknows said...

I left my answer and email on the google spreadsheet.

atlantagalknows at gmail dot com

cbentley413 said...

Drink my cup of coffee....while it's still hot!

Dana Udall-Weiner said...

I would not know what to do with myself, so I'd make myself busy again without even knowing it! In reality, I'd sleep, work out, or get a pedicure. God knows, my toes need it.

Elizabeth said...

I would journal, either for myself or for the scrapbook. I miss getting to think deeply, and I do that best through writing.
elizamend at gmail dot com

Treybee's Mom said...

Look for a new job!

Shelley said...

Sleep! And read. I miss reading for fun.

Anonymous said...

I would work on decorating our new house! Nothing much gets done with two and three year old boys!

Christie said...

What to do with more free time? Hmmm, I'd porbably do some much needed updating on our home.

The Inspired Nest said...

I just might sleep more if I had some more free time! Cleaning might be a good idea too!

Gene and Annie said...

If I had more time in my week...I would probably go running more often or maybe learn to paly the guitar! :) By the way, your kids are adorable!!

Tabathia B said...

I would sleep and read a lot of books while soaking in the bath tub
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B said...

tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Andrea said...

exercise more, read more, and have a cleaner house

Ann said...

If i had more free time, I would spend more time with my family doing fun things like going out to eat or watching movies.

Ann said...

I followed the link, submitted my email and respended to the sweepstakes prompt :)

Anonymous said...

I would bake - bake glorious food that all would want - so I could do that for a living! Finally, I would dance like no one is watching.

Raquel said...

I homeschool 3 of my 5 kids and the other two are 3 and 1 so i would prob go somewhere... alone =)

tannawings said...

with more time? I would sleep. Just sleep!

TruthHole said...

I would sleep.My kingdom for some sleep!

Alisha said...

If I had more time; I'd find some alone time to work out and have more energy to do more with my time! :)

Rich and Darcie said...

I would read a book!!!

Rae-Rae said...

with more free time i would definitely do a little more for myself & spend more qt with my babies:)

beth said...

I would love to take cookong lessons and spend more time with my kids!

Sariah said...

Hands down I would spend more free time getting back in shape from having 3 kids! Then spend it with those said 3 adorable kids!

The Fam said...


shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

The Adventures of Ordy and Joon said...

i know i SHOULD spend the extra time to work out, but i would probably just use it to BAKE and focus more on my blog! I would love more time to make my blog cuter!

kristen said...

i would probably take on contract work or take a nap if i had more time!

Mysharona said...

I'd exercise more with some free time.

rosannepm said...

With more free time I'd catch up on shows I've DVR'd and haven't had time to watch. Exercise? Say what?

peg42 said...

I'd really love to spend some more time with my kids, doing something fun. It seems that my husband are so busy now a days, with work and chores, that come the weekends, we're just trying to keep up with everyday chores, like laundry, cleaning, food shopping, etc.
Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway.

Jenalee said...

SLEEP!!!!!! With a 1 year old I get very little!

slowly growing old together said...

With more free time... I'd train to complete an Ironman. The title of Ironman-Mom sounds sooooo good to me. said...

If I had more time in every day then I would be able go to the gym more often so I could show my kids that it is important to be active and healthy.

Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...

2ND ENTRY TWEET!/kytah00/status/5481442163298304

Tif said...

I would spend more time with my kids....they grow up too fast!

Jayne said...

If I had more free time I would read more and maybe take some community courses to improve my knowledge base.

Anonymous said...

I would read or have Me Time.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

Martha Klopp said...

i would start my running routine again! i plan on doing this when i am finally done pumping milk :)

emily said...

Spend more time with friends and family

Risa said...

I would actually stand a chance of accomplishing the things I really should be doing every day that I sadly seem to run out of time and/or energy for!

Anonymous said...

With more free time? Easy. Spend more time with my kids. They need more free time too.

mmga_kc at yahoo

Unknown said...

With three (almost four) kids I would have more time to work on building my photography business!

Beth said...

I would love a little free time to take a long walk. It would improve my physical and mental health!

Sarah Crosby said...

Spend more time with my husband. We are newly married and it seems that even in the short time we have been married, our time together gets less and less... can't imagine with kids! But I would take more time to spend quality time with him! Enjoy every second of our new life together!!

Amy said...

With more free time, I would be able to spend more time with the kids just playing around.

Beth said...

I would love a little free time to take a long walk. It would improve my physical and mental health!

Kelsey said...

I would keep my house cleaner and read more books!

Truex Family said...

I work a 40 hour a week job, that is often longer than those 40 hours... so I would really just like to set my own schedule, get up later and have a workout before starting the day!

J said...

I would feel better about sitting around with my daughter instead of thinking of the things I need to do around the house!

Mama Bear said...

With more free time, I would take a nice, long bubble bath and lock my bathroom door so my husband and kids can't find me.

Unknown said...


April S. said...

With more free time, I would be able to maybe have a Girls Night Out with my girls sometime! That seems to always be put off because of lack of free time.

Unknown said...

I work 10 hr days in my in home day care. Then its off to activities with my 2 boys 4 nights a week.

If I had more time I would join a gym. I have wanted to for years, just not enough time in my day :)

Casey said...

I would read books...for fun!

susan1215 said...

With more free time I would spend it with my husband and children.

s2s2 at comcast dot net

susan1215 said...

s2s2 at comcast dot net

A said...

I would volunteer! I really want to do more of this, but am stretched pretty then as it is right now! Would love some extra time! Thanks for the chance to win!

D and K said...

I would love to be able to read more!

Caitlin O. said...

With more time I was read a book just for fun!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Sleep or read....tough choice.

Amber said...

Laundry that I can never get done!!!

Amber said...

With more free time?! There is so much I could do! Read a book, rent a movie, actually complete more house projects!!

Lisa said...

If I had more free time I would spend more time with my husband. Life is busy, and sometimes I feel like we forget that quality time. If only there was more time! :-)

SWH said...

With more time i would possibly have a cleaner house and have more time to actually talk to my husband!

Lindsay Ward said...

with more free time I would run more!

Dillinger Family said...

I would love to say I would volunteer more...but I would probably sleep or clean if I had more free time.

Jenny B said...

take longer showers more often with out the quads peeking in on me :) haha

Jenny B

jennyhasquads at yahoodotcom

Jaime said...

With more free time, I'd get a massage!

Amber said...

hmmm, first I think I would take a nap. Then I would play with my son. Then after that I would maybe takle my cleaning projects!

Ellen said...

I would take all sorts of local evening classes like Italian, spring board diving, swimming, oil painting, cooking, and sewing.

Ashley said...

READ! I LOVE to read, but graduate school, work, and a six year old don't leave a whole lot of extra time for that. I can only imagine what adding three more to the bunch would leave me with! You're definitely an inspiration!

Elizabeth Mae said...

I would get stuff done for me. Being a photographer, having a full time job and having a one year old. I dont have time for my photography.

Jenny said...

if i had more free time i would definitely catch up on some reading and organize closets...i am a total neat freak as well!

B said...

Definitely cook and bake! Don't have a lot of time right now. Probably spend more time enjoying the outdoors with my husband and dog!

Marissa said...

Wow, more time, that'd be nice. I'd sleep more, spend more quality time with my hubby & kiddies, pursue some hobbies... Oh, a nice long hot shower and to be able to shave my legs more often. Ah, that would be nice! LOL... Okay, I HAVE to stop thinking about the possibilities now or I'll cry - and I don't have time for that...

Marissa said...

Wow, more time, that'd be nice. I'd sleep more, spend more quality time with my hubby & kiddies, pursue some hobbies... Oh, a nice long hot shower and to be able to shave my legs more often. Ah, that would be nice! LOL... Okay, I HAVE to stop thinking about the possibilities now or I'll cry - and I don't have time for that...

Anonymous said...

If I had more free time, I think I would actually be able to finish reading a book. There are so many great books that I start but never get to complete. Maybe one day!

Amy said...

With more free time I would organize all my pictures (something I've been wanting to do for months).

Unknown said...

With more free time I would FINALLY start my little paintng business... some day...

donatelli98 said...

I think I would bake more or sleep more!

Mainstream Momma said...

I would finally organize my house!

Teej said...

I would definitely read more books and newspapers! (Try to educate myself!?)
tjwallace04 at gmail dot com

Amy Bennett said...

Wish it would be more interesting but probably read.

Ben and April said...

With more free time right now, I would try to finish up my Christmas shopping!!

april at

Linda said...

With more free time I'd exercise and work on scrapbooks for the kids.

Melissa said...

The list is endless, but I would have to say that I would probably volunteer in my son's 2nd grade classroom. (2nd graders are fun!) :)

trh889 said...

I would spend more time with my 2 kids and finally get back into shape.

Jim & Chrissy said...

I don't have quads, but I do have 3 year old triplets and a 5 year old. I spend lots of time with my kids, so I would take some time for myself to work out!!! I miss my old body before babies!

Jessica said...

Right now if I had more time I would nap!! I'm currently pregnant so I'm always exhausted!!

Whitney said...

What's free time? I haven't had that in 8 years. I would love to be able to cook for the fun of it, and maybe go to the gym that I belong to, but have only entered the door twice.

Heather said...

oh my goodness! with more free time, I would: not have to type with one hand, while holding my 3 month old (you know, I probably still would :-), clean my house, grocery shop, go back to school, etc... :-)

The O's said...

With working FT, going to school FT, having a husband, 3-year old daughter, and being preggo with our 2nd child, having more free time would be AWESOME! With more free time I would LOVE to spend it with my sweet family! And, maybe pamper myself a little bit too! :) Happy Holidays!

Tiffany Norris said...

Spend more time with my sweet puppy and READ!

Casi said...

With more time, I hope it would allow me to find other ways to help the less fortunate in my community. Lately I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off keeping up with work and family commitments while what I really need to do is something meaningful for others...

Katie said...

I would get more sleep!

Amy S said...

If I had more free time, I would exercise more, get my house in order, finally have time to do some volunteer work.

Ann said...

Spend more time with the grandkids!

SarahJarnagin said...

If I had more time, I'd really hope I'd have a neater/cleaner home!

Beth said...

With more free time, I would go out on regular dates with my husband, get my house organized & the laundry done regularly, and spend more time with my kiddos!

Awesome giveaway, thanks for a chance to enter :)

Emily said...

I would do one of two things that I don't seem to have enough time to do:
clean or sleep!

Brittany said...

With more free time I might actually have a clean house!

J said...

Definitely spend more quality time with my husband and son. I feel like I see them for minutes each day when it should be hours.

Shannon M. said...

Sleep! With working FT as a NICU RN and working towards my masters/APN...I feel like the hospital is my home and my home...well I don't see much of it these days :) love love love what I do but would like to catch up on those missed hours of slumber!


Melissa Jackson said...

If I had more free time, more of it would definitely be spent working out!

Elizabeth said...

with more free time, I would love to actually have a date with my hubby with no kids tagging along!!

Brandy said...

hmmmm FREE TIME!!!! whats that? I have no idea how to say what I would do with it because I haven't had it in soooo long LOL! I would love a chance at this :)

Marcia said...

If I had more time, I would get the millions of things nagging me to get done right now and not feel so frantic about it all.

Kristen said...

If I had more free time, I would get more of my home improvement projects done!

Teresa said...

I really don't know what I would do other than spend it with my grandchildren it would be nice to just have free time

Charity Donovan said...

Hang out with my girls!!! ;)

charityd AT centurytel DOT net

Sarah said...

With more time maybe I would be able to workout!

Jennifer said...

I would definitely spend any extra free time I had with my daughter. I would love to bake with her more or do more crafts at home but after work it is rush, rush to get workout in, dinner fixed and eaten, gymnastics attended, baths taken, story read, and lights out.

Janet said...

More time? What's that? First, I would thank God if I had more time. Then I might get a hair cut, a pedicure, laundry, who knows. I really want to focus on making more delicious home cooked meals instead of frozen stuff

Kayla said...

If I more time during the day, I could blog more and CLEAN my house!!

Abby said...

Love on my daughter more than I already do....I can't get enough of her!! I would also spend a little more time with the hubby, as he is the greatest!

Unknown said...

If I had more free time, I would be crashed on the couch reading a book OR having my nails done! With a toddler and another baby on the way, I could definitely use some alone time!

Jordan said...

I have a 22 month old daughter and care for 4 other children ages 3mo-3years in my home Monday - Friday. I would love more time to be able to spend with just HER. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being able to be at home with her and make some $$ for my family, and she has great built in friends to play with. But to just have mom-daughter time? That would be priceless!

A said...

I would volunteer at one of the elementary schools or possibly the humane society.

Anonymous said...

With more free time I would learn to sew!!! Oh the money I could save on clothes for my kiddo! :) And volunteer at our church's food pantry.

Schaefer Clan said...

Hmm...more free time...organize pics of the littles (finally) and make into photo books, exercise, and sleep :-)


emma said...

I think I'd work on getting up to date on my scrapbooks.

TeamRB said...

I would learn to sew and bake more! Of course, I would love to spend more one on one time with my husby too!
-Rebekah B

KSDallas said...

If I had more free time - I would take the dogs for walks more often. We both need the exercise!

Mike & Leanne said...

I would love for my blogging to be a hundred times faster. I think that is why I dread it so much because it takes so long to upload all the pictures.

Betsy Black said...

With more free time, I would be able to clean out my closet and maybe sew some things I've been meaning to sew for months...


Anonymous said...

If i had more time i would make it to the gym more often and for longer than 45 mins.!

Jen said...

With more time I would actually sit down and update the out and have a little me time!

jenn underscore levin @ hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would go to an extra Jazzercise class each week!

- Molly (utmolly@yahoo)

Susan said...

I love decorating and DIY projects, so I would have more time to do some of those types of things that I only dream about doing now!

Amanda said...

With a little extra time in the day, I would get a part-time job (in addition to the full-time job I already have) to make a little extra money for my wedding. I suppose the extra time would also go towards planning said wedding too! Where has this year gone?! I can't believe it's already almost time for the holidays!

azucena636 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I would search for more recipes and ways to save time.

Me said...

I would play Wii with my 5 year old twins or snuggle with my baby girl. :)

Andy and Claire said...

Wow! What would I do with my free time...I would probably sit on the couch with my husband and baby and watch a movie in our PJ's. Or have some me time!

Trish said...

As a mom of 4 (althought not at the same time), I could definitely use more time! I would probaby try to get a little sleep (since my 3 month old likes to spend the night eating) or pick up the house (since my 3 year old likes to destroy it daily).

Right now I get up before 5am to blog, email, balance the checkbook & pick up the house before the kids wake up. With a new computer I could do that in half the time and sleep in until 6!

Karly said...


Jenni said...

If I had more free time I would shower more often :-) Oh yeah and work out too, but I would look forward to the nice long shower the most!

Mommy, Esq. said...

I would go on a date with my husband!

Brandie said...

At this point being 7 months preg, I'd sleep!!

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